Winn Golf Dri-Tac JumboLite Pistol Putter Grips
Winn Golf Dri-Tac JumboLite Pistol Putter Grips
Welcome to the family, Dri-Tac putter grips! Jumbo Lite Pistol, Oversize grip helps to stabilize wrist action. Weighs the same as a standard grip, will not change the head weight of putters. Dri-Tac performance material offers the ultimate in comfort, feel and slip-resistance in all-weather conditions. Optimum design & pattern promoting pure putting strokes.
- Model Number: J8LDT-DG, J8LDT-BK
- Grip Style: Dri-Tac
- Color: Select from Dropdown Menu
- Grip-Size: Jumbo
- Core-Size: 0.600
- Firmness: Medium
- Material: WinnDry
- Weight: 55 g