Home / Whitetail Institute Winter-Greens-12 lb

Whitetail Institute Winter-Greens-12 lb

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    Some plot plantings become less attractive with cold weather and hard frosts. Others may not lose their allure but, when buried in snow, they require more effort than the deer are willing to expend, especially if there are alternative food sources that require less effort.The Whitetail Institute’s late-season food plot product, Winter-Greens, is the answer to these winter problems. A brassica blend, Winter-Greens is designed specifically to attract deer in late season.Winter-Greens is the most effective late-season food plot product you can plant. Brassicas by nature actually sweeten with a hard frost. To be precise, the first hard frost triggers plant maturity, which in turn results in a sweeter taste. It’s like a . When it’s still green, a is not very tasty. Once mature or ripe however, a yellow is very tasty. The brassicas in Winter-Greens are palatable to deer right away, and they get even tastier after a hard frost. So, while other food plots are becoming less appealing, or are getting eaten down, Winter-Greens is getting better. And don’t think the deer don’t know it!