Turbo Power Twin Turbo Advanced Ionic & Ceramic Hair Dryer – Black
The new TwinTurbo 3900 is an innovative, technologically advanced, and futuristic hairdryer. The new TwinTurbo 3900 reflects extensive technological research aimed at meeting the requirements of hairdressers while also reducing energy consumption and helping to safeguard the environment. The latest introduction to the Turbo Power range comes with an innovative HFS “Hair Free System” hair catcher that enables the hairstyling professional to keep the hairdryer clean with a simple daily action and an anti-heat casing that ensures the hairdryer is comfortable to hold. The revolutionary 2100-watt K-advance plus motor gives a massive 83 cubic meters per hour airflow to make drying times quicker than ever before. By reducing the weight of all the components Turbo Power has created an exceptionally light hairdryer which is also their quietest model yet. with ionic ceramic technology it provides healthy, static-free hair while the built-in silencer greatly reduces noise.