Big Game Treestands 18 ft. Big Game DXT Portable 2 Hunter Tree Ladder Stand (2-Pack)
Stride through wide, open land in search for the hunting spot. Make gear set up and tear down effortless with the lightweight Big Game DXT Portable Tree Ladder Stand. Select a hefty tree that will fit the stand, secure the safety harnesses, and climb up. Silence, safety, and stability are essential when it comes to hunting. Accomplish all 3 with this 18-foot-tall portable tree stand ladder. Equipped with safety and assembly hardware, you’re guaranteed to have the seat. rigid DXT steel construction and body arrest system supports 2 hunters up to 500 pounds. Once you’ve fastened the hunting ladder, scale up and get comfy on the extra supportive Flex-Tec seat. The padded flip-up shooting rail offers additional safety and extra steady anchorage. Use the wide footrest and enjoy the view for a stress-free day in the great outdoors. Stay out of sight and out of smell up high with Big Game DXT Tree Stand.