Fluke Tlk289- Industrial Master Test Lead Set TLK289
The Fluke TLK289 – Industrial Master Test Lead Set is designed for electrical and electronics testing in today’s industrial environment. Fluke test leads, alligator clips and test probes broaden the ability to take meter measurements, extending the capabilities of your meter. They are an integral part of the complete measurement system, helping to get accurate readings while remaining safe. Includes 8 items. The TLK289 Industrial Master Test Lead Set is designed for electrical and electronics testing in today‚ Äôs industrial environment The TLK289 Industrial Master Test Lead Set is designed for electrical and electronics testing in today‚Äôs industrial environment Kit includes: TL224 Test Lead Set, TP175 TwistGuard Test Probes, AC285 SureGrip Alligator Clips, AC220 SureGrip Alligator Clips, AC280 SureGrip Hook Clips, 80BK-A Integrated DMM Temperature Probe, TPAK ToolPak Magnetic Hanger, and C116 Soft Carrying Case