bObsweep Standard Gold Auto Charging Robotic Vacuum WB4727546CH
Give your home a new lease of life with this robot vacuum cleaner. At the push of a button, bObsweep Standard picks up dirt, dust, crumbs and pet hair with his extra-long main brush and TurboLift vacuum. He has a giant 1100 mL dustbin and dual-layer filter to capture tiny particles. For maximum convenience, you can create a 7-day cleaning schedule on his display screen and take the rest of the week off while Bob does the dirty work. Sweeps, vacuums, mops, and filtrates all types of floors simultaneously 1100 mL dustbin is perfect for storing plenty of dirt, hair, and dander from your pets TurboLift vacuum and extra-long main brush allow him to cover more surface area with better efficiency You can customize a cleaning schedule for up to 7 days per week Obstacle sensors keep him from damaging furniture or falling down stairs, and dirt sensors alert him to spots that need more attention Mop wipes away shoe prints and polishes floors Remote lets you manually pilot him to specific areas of your house Automatically returns to his charging station when battery drops below 15% 2-Year manufacturer’s limited warranty on battery, 1-year manufacturer’s limited warranty on all other parts and labor